(Caution note: This article is not claimed to be a quick fix for COVID-19 or to be referred to in case of an emergency health situation. Please report to local authorities/ medical care immediately if you notice any known symptoms of this disease in your body.)
Coronavirus or COVID-19 belongs to a family of viruses which causes illnesses ranging from common colds to severe respiratory infections like Middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV). This particular new strain can cause severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. As there is no Allopathic treatment available for the novel coronavirus, this has perhaps caused the panic in the general public.
Read: Neuro Ayurveda
Ayurveda has always seen most respiratory diseases treatable or manageable through raising the immune system of a person as well as modifying the lifestyle. Same can be the case with this coronavirus. If we see closely according to symptoms it has to be classified under deranged ‘kaph dosha’. Like all respiratory viruses both influenza viruses and Coronaviruses are neurotropic, i.e. it affects the nervous system. Even in SARS, severe neuropsychiatric complications including psychosis have been observed.
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All respiratory diseases are characterized by increased serotonin levels like Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Bronchitis, SARS-Cov, MERS-CoV. Even common cold is associated with depressive symptoms which can be associated with serotonin. All these diseases mentioned above are commonly associated with depressive or psychotic symptoms. In Ayurveda, what we call ‘kaph dosha’ is actually serotonin. Interestingly there is evidence of a case of acute respiratory coronavirus treated with cinanserin a serotonin antagonist reported in Medical journal Pubmed in 2005. It is just showing us the direction to tackle not only new COVID-19 but also all the prevailing respiratory diseases for which a cure remained elusive till now.
There are many herbs which can counterbalance this, likely candidates would be Neem, Mulethi, Mango, Guava just to name a few. They all process serotonin inhibition. There are many herbs with similar qualities which can be consumed empty-stomach to give immediate and desired effects.
Author: BAMS, MD(A.M)
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Thanks so much for the blog article. Much obliged.