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Ayurveda and the three ‘doshas’ explained simply

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.

When diet is right, medicine is of no need.”

– Ancient Ayurvedic proverb

Ayurveda is based on the principle that the human body is made up of three constitutions (or energy-forces) known as ‘doshas’. These three doshas are called Vata (cold), Pitta (hot) and Kapha (flow).

In a healthy state, a person’s all three doshas are in a balance. All people have one dosha that is more dominant than the other two in their body. Thus, an Ayurvedic treatment starts from learning what is someone’s Dosha type.

The three doshas

Vata (Ether+Air) – cold, dry and rough; affects mental and bodily movements

Pitta (Water+Fire) – oily, hot and mobile; affects digestion

Kapha (Earth+Water) – heavy, dull and cool; affects strength, immune system

Most of us know about the medicinal values of spices and herbs available in every Indian kitchen.

This commonly known form of Ayurvedic knowledge that passed on from thousands of years actually finds its roots in the Vedas. The same medical system that created Yoga for physical, mental and spiritual fitness gave us the healing powers of Ayurveda.

*This is a simplified and indicative introduction to the three doshas, what affects them and how to notice them. Please contact us for learning more.

Dr. Amaneesh Saini (BAMS, MD-A.M)

Dr. Amaneesh Saini dedicated his life to studying Ayurveda. One of the extraordinary results of this was developing a deep insight on how herbs work in synergy to support health of all living organisms.

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