
The holistic view of constipation

Constipation is taken in Ayurveda as one of the major root cause of most of the disease in the human body. Modern medicine works on a single pathway that limits their use as side effects become evident. According to Ayurveda deviation of Vata dosha is the prime factor in constipation. It is characterized by loss of bowel movement and dryness which stops the movement of bowels resulting in straining which predisposes person to haemorrhoids and piles later. If we look further closely why dryness is present that means pitta dosha has also become excessive and heated up the matter to create dryness in intestines. The third factor which is also present is mucus excess also hinders the bowel movement which is deviated kaph dosha. So constipation is a condition in which all three doshas are derranged.

There are different herbs that regulate different doshas. To control Vata doshas of intestines Castor oil, Cassia fistula, Cassia angustifolia, Rheumemodi and Citrulus colocynth are few herbs which can tame vatadosha. Straining at the time of defecation will be cured by these herbs.To control Pitta doshas there are herbs which also protect a person from depression because pitta dosha also responsible for euphoria.The herbs like glycyrrhiza glabra, piper nigrum, Cinnamonzeylanicumare best for controlling pitta herbs. To control kaph dosh there are herbs that reduce mucus production e.g  Mentha spicata, Rubiacardifolia and Emblica officinalis. so when we use combination of herbs which are acting on multifold targets consisting of at least three pathways like vata, pitta, kaph constipation is tackled in a natural and appropriate way without any side effects

Dr. Amaneesh Saini (BAMS, MD-A.M)

Dr. Amaneesh Saini dedicated his life to studying Ayurveda. One of the extraordinary results of this was developing a deep insight on how herbs work in synergy to support health of all living organisms.

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