
Ayurvedic Science of Aphrodisiacs

‘Vajikaran’ (Science of aphrodisiacs) and ‘Rasayan chikitsa’ (Science of Rejuvenation) are two amazing aspects of the eightfold path of ‘Ashtang Ayurveda’. In the Ayurvedic physiology, there are seven types of tissues known as ‘Sapta dhatu’ namely: Rasa (plasma), Rakhta (Blood), Mamsa (Muscle), Med (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majja (Bone marrow) and Shukra (Semen). The main aim of Vajikaran chikitsa is healthy copulation for production of offsprings and sexual contentment.

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Vajikaran therapy renews all the ‘Sapta dhatus’ to reinstate perfect mental and physical health and well being. It improves defects of reproductive system in both males and females. The herbal combinations used are part of  therapy which act on higher centers of brain and modulate neuroendocrine axis. Scriptures of this age-old Chikitsa say that, the man who seeks sexual pleasure should resort to Vajikaran chikitsa. It is the one of the best natural restorer of general strength and vigour.

By proper use of these formulations, one becomes endowed with good physique, strength, complexion, potency.

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Common conditions representing sexual disorders are as below;

  1. Premature ejaculation: This is a condition in which the orgasm and climax happens earlier than wanted i.e. sperm ejaculation occurs too early. It could be very frustrating for both men and women. There are many herbs in Ayurveda which can help through nitric oxide mechanisms by relaxing the corpus cavernosus muscle in penis.
  2. Erectile dysfunction (Impotency): This is a condition in which males fail to maintain adequate erection for sexual intercourse. It is considered a major health problem and is a common cause of distress. ED is also a marker for cardiovascular diseases. It commonly effects diabetic and high blood pressure patients. Impaired endothelial function results in impaired relaxation and is primary cause of Erectile dysfunction. Vajikaran herbs like Terminalia chebula and syzigium cumini are successfully used to treat Erectile dysfunction.
  3. Low sperm count (Oligospermia): Low sperm production could be hormonal as well as, due to less blood circulation to genitals. An enzyme called Arginase influences the blood circulation to genitals. Arginase inhibitors have ability to increase blood circulation to the genitals. And, Cinnamon cassia is one of the most potent herbal Arginase inhibitor whose mechanism of action is just like Viagra.
  4. Lack of sexual desire: Sexual desire in both sexes is controlled by hormones called dopamine and prolactin. There is a category of herbs in Ayurveda which produces, or preserves, dopamine levels by inhibiting enzymes called Mono amin oxidase-b inhibitors. Cinnamon cassia and Glycyrrhiza glabra are natural Mao-b inhibitors and can be used for lack of interest in sexual activities.
  5. Unsatisfactory performance in elderly: As we age we lose the power of replacing the worn out cells and tissue like when we were young. But here also Ayurveda comes help with the ‘Rasayan’ therapy. Rasayan are the drugs which have capacity to renew the Sapta dhatus or tissues explained above, as well as shukra which can again make sexual organs work like when one is younger.
  6. General weakness: Rasayan herbs are great for general weakness as they have capacity to renew all the organs and tissues by their antioxidant action decreasing the toxicity in body. Triphala churna which contains Terminalia chebula, phyllanthus emblica and Terminalia bellirica are all Rasayan drugs acting on three pathways represented by Vata, Pitta and Kaph respectively.  
Dr. Amaneesh Saini (BAMS, MD-A.M)

Dr. Amaneesh Saini dedicated his life to studying Ayurveda. One of the extraordinary results of this was developing a deep insight on how herbs work in synergy to support health of all living organisms.

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